Pada tanggal 4 Februari 2021 Tim Pijar mengadakan pertemuan “Sharing PKM Indonesia: Vaksinasi Covid-19” via online. Sebagai narasumber adalah dr. Emma dan dr. Debby. Tujuan pertemuan ini peserta belajar info yang benar tentang vaksin-vaksin COVID-19 termasuk kenapa penting divaksin dan kenapa perlu lanjutkan kesehatan protocol. Peserta lebih yakin untuk berbagi info yang benar dengan komunitasnya.
Materi yang disampaikan berdasarkan info yang ada saat itu sampai bulan Feb 2021, dengan tujuan untuk membantu informasi, tidak mengarahkan ke vaksin tertentu, netral dan tidak disponsori oleh perusahaan manapun. Sekitar 65 peserta yang mengikuti dari berbagai daerah dan pelayanan. Diskusi bisa berjalan dinamis dan ada banyak pertanyaan tentang realita yang terjadi di lapangan. Langkah ini selain memperlengkapi para fasilitator PKM, juga sebagai gerakan kampanye melawan hoax yang beredar di sekitar kita.
Sharing PKM Indonesia: COVID-19 Vaccination
At the beginning of 2021 there was confusion in response to vaccination information received by the public, which made people worry: Is it safe? Why do we have to be vaccinated? Which vaccines are good? It is necessary that PKM facilitators provide correct information to community members.
On February 4, 2021 The Pijar team held an online meeting "Sharing PKM Indonesia: Covid-19 Vaccination". The resource people were Dr. Emma and Dr. Debby. The purpose of this meeting was for participants to obtain correct information about COVID-19 vaccines, including why it is important to be vaccinated and why it is necessary to continue the health protocols. Afterwards participants were more confident to share correct information with their communities.
The material shared was based on information available until February 2021. The aim was to provide information that was neutral and not sponsored by any company, and did not lead to a specific vaccine. Around 65 participants attended from various regions and services. Discussions were dynamic and there were many questions about the realities they faced on the ground. This step, in addition to equipping PKM facilitators, was also a campaign against hoaxes that were circulating.